Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Homecoming dress

Today I bought my homecoming dress. The only thing I can tell about it, is that it is so beautiful ! But you may wait for homecoming to se it :) It might be a surprise!

Then we went to a cherry store. That was funny!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Schedule for school

Today we went to the school, to get my schedule. That was so cool! Everybody who read at my blog have to here the big thing. I'M IN THE CHOIR :D
Well, it's like this:
US History. Choir, German, Math, English.
Then skiiteam at November and Soccerteam in April :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My host family (and almost host family members)

This is my lovely host mom. She's showing a card, that says, Eh - May - Lee - Ugh. It's kind a like A - ma - li - e.
I love you :)

This is my real host sister. She found a frog and named it Froggie the first. :)

This is my host dad. He is sitting in the car, and waited for being home so he could sleep. It was late!

This is my (almost) host sister. We are just having fun in the car.. :)

This is my host sisters boyfriend. We drove him home

This is happy and fast talking Lexi :)


In this morning we went to church. That was cool but the paster was talking soooooooo fast!
After that, we went tubing. That was so funny!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Family picture (almost) :)

This was my first day, and Lexi came to say hi. That was great :)

Today we went for a nice city to get so good icecreams!

We went to the movie theater to watch "One day".

Football game ..

Okay, I heard wrong. It was 'just' 2000 people, who saw the football game . That is many! :O
I took some pictures.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Football game

Okay. Today is my first football game. I'm so excited.. There will be about 40.000 spectator. That is so cool! I'll write later again :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Well everything was great and the airport to. Now I'm in my family's house and it is so nice. I was so tirred when I came, so I went to sleep, and today I woke up at 10 in the morning and I was on the school at 11. So I'm signed in for the school now. Later Monica, Steph and I went shopping. Great.! I'm tirred again, but the day isn't done yet. :) I'll write again soon! Have fun :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Well, my suitcase is packed and I am almost ready to leave now. But first I need to say goodbye to my boyfriend and my family. :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This is my VISA. I started to visit the American embassy, and I was suppose to be in a short conversatoin with an American man. 2 days later I got my VISA :)

My first post

Hi everyone
This is my first post on my new US blog. I started to make another blog, but it didn't worked.
I'll summarice all the big events that had happend until now, but you can read that later.

Thanks for reading. :)