Thursday, November 10, 2011

First day with SNOW :D

Danish Candy :D


School 2



Drug Test

Today the police visited our school. they brought dogs to sniff out drugs if anyone had brought them to school. During the search they made us stand out in the hallway while the dogs sniffed our bags. When we were allowed back i we got to see the cute dogs they helped the police men.

Terror Test

We had a terrorism test at the school. That means, in case of we would be attacked of a terror group, we have "practiced" it before. So we was supposed to take down the shades, close the door, turn off the light and go together the whole class and go in the corner. Creepy!!! :)

My Math Class Project

Lukas and My project in Algebra 2

Me really concentrated

Vojta think he is funny

Lukas think he is funny too ?